• 정수진(Jung Su-Jin)

    1969년 출생



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  • 정수진

    전시전경_ 2012

  • 남경민

    모네의 식탁_ Oil on linen, 130.3x97cm, 2012

  • 남경민

    클림트 작업실_ Oil on linen, 145.5x112cm(2 pieces), 2012

  • 홍경택

    선물_ Oil on canvas, 24.3x33.4cm, 2010

  • 서상익

    Temple of the Artist - J. Debuffet_ Oil on canvas, 27.3x19cm, 2012

  • 홍경택

    NYC 1519 part 1_ Oil on linen, 194x259cm, 2012

  • 서상익

    Temple of the Artist - J.M.Basquiat_ Oil on canvas, 22.5x15.8cm, 2012

  • 정수진

    다차원 생물의 무거움_ Oil on canvas, 130x162cm, 2012

  • 정수진

    A Place where Two Scenes Crossover_ Oil on canvas, 150x200cm, 2011

  • 이동기

    코카인_ Acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 210x200cm, 2012

  • 이동기

    꽃밭_ Acrylic on canvas, 120x180cm, 2012

Other Works by 정수진(Jung Su-Jin)View All

  • 정수진

    Actor_ oil on canvas, 200x200cm, 2008

  • 정수진

    빵_ 린넨에 유화, 30x40, 2018_Just bread, oil on linen

  • 정수진

    전시전경_ 2012

  • 정수진

    차원높은 빵과 괴물들_ 린넨에 유화, 100x100, 2018_Still life3 High dimensional breads and monsters, oil on linen

  • 정수진

    People in Landscape_ oil on canvas, 150x200cm, 2007

  • 정수진

    사면체 구조 위에 놓인 피라미드 구조_ 2018, Oil on artboard, 30×40cm

  • 정수진

    동화의 구조_ 린넨에 유화, 100x100cm 2018_still life1, The structure of fairy tale, oil on linen

  • 정수진

    위상 차원에서 “있음”의 개념Ⅱ_ 2018, Oil on linen, 30×40cm

  • 정수진

    A study of Void_ 2017, oil on linen, 130.5x130.3 cm

  • 정수진

    People in Landscape_ oil on canvas, 150x200cm, 2007

  • 정수진

    대우명제(역이대우), (같음반대닮음다름)_ 린넨에 유화, 100x100 2018_still life2, transposition(convers inverse transposition), (same opposite similar distinct), oil on linen

  • 정수진

    Untitled_ Oil on canvas, 31x42cm, 2010

  • 정수진

    적형 차원에서의 공백의 구조_ 린넨에 유화, 30x40, 2018_The structure of void in the dimension of Accumulation of form, oil on linen

  • 정수진

    Still-Life in Progress_ oil on canvas, 150x200cm, 2007-2010

  • 정수진

    대우명제2(역이대우),(같음 반대 닮음 다름)_ 린넨에 유화, 50x61, 2018_transposition2(convers inverse transposition), (same opposite similar distinct), oil on linen

  • 정수진

    Untitled_ oil on canvas, 194x259cm, 2009