• 홍경택(Hong Kyoung-Tack)

    1968년 서울 출생

    NYC 1519 part 1

    Oil on linen, 194x259cm, 2012

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 정수진

    전시전경_ 2012

  • 남경민

    모네의 식탁_ Oil on linen, 130.3x97cm, 2012

  • 남경민

    클림트 작업실_ Oil on linen, 145.5x112cm(2 pieces), 2012

  • 홍경택

    선물_ Oil on canvas, 24.3x33.4cm, 2010

  • 서상익

    Temple of the Artist - J. Debuffet_ Oil on canvas, 27.3x19cm, 2012

  • 홍경택

    NYC 1519 part 1_ Oil on linen, 194x259cm, 2012

  • 서상익

    Temple of the Artist - J.M.Basquiat_ Oil on canvas, 22.5x15.8cm, 2012

  • 정수진

    다차원 생물의 무거움_ Oil on canvas, 130x162cm, 2012

  • 정수진

    A Place where Two Scenes Crossover_ Oil on canvas, 150x200cm, 2011

  • 이동기

    코카인_ Acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 210x200cm, 2012

  • 이동기

    꽃밭_ Acrylic on canvas, 120x180cm, 2012

Other Works by 홍경택(Hong Kyoung-Tack)View All

  • 홍경택

    존 레넌(Jonh Lenon)_ 145X145cm, acrylic & oil on canvs, 2007

  • 홍경택

    펜즈-제로_ 2019

  • 홍경택

    Pens_ Oil on linen, 259x194cm, 2012

  • 홍경택

    Fuck and Roll_ 2018-9. acrylic and oil on linen. 181.8 x 227.3cm

  • 홍경택

    Full of Love_ 2012, oil on linen, 130 x 162 cm

  • 홍경택

    Pens 3_ oil on linen, 259x776cm, 2010

  • 홍경택

    서재-비둘기가 날 때_ 아사 위에 유채, 259x194cm, 2016

  • 홍경택

    연필그림3_ 리넨에 유채, 259x 776cm, 2001-2010, 개인소장

  • 홍경택

    PLUR DMSR_ 캔버스에 아크릴, 227x181cm, 2005

  • 홍경택

    선물_ Oil on canvas, 24.3x33.4cm, 2010

  • 홍경택

    NYC 1519 part 1_ Oil on linen, 194x259cm, 2012

  • 홍경택

    서재-예언자_ Acrylic and oil on linen, 259×194 cm, 2017-2022