• 만화경

    Projection, 2010

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 안종연

    만화경_ Projection, 2010

  • 조용준

    Balloon work-red_ 플라스틱, 아크릴릭, 10x10x10cm, 2010

  • 한송준

    Mind_ Colored on steel, 40x40x60cm, 2009

Other Works by 안종연(Ahn Jong-Yuen)View All

  • 안종연

    만화경_ Projection, 2010

  • 안종연

    New days Dawning_ variable size, The universe(2009), Glass casting, mixed media, 2024

  • 안종연

    Light of Amaranth_ Variable size_Variable installation_Emirates Palace installation view_2013

  • 안종연

    New days Dawning_ variable size, Display optical film, Light of KAMASS(2009), mixed media, 2024

  • 안종연

    New days Dawning_ variable size, Display optical film, Light of KAMASS(2009), mixed media, 2024

  • 안종연

    New Days Dawning_ 100x100cm, Lenticular, 2024