• 김인겸(Inkyum Kim)

    1945년 출생


    Urethane Acrylic Coating on Stainless Steel, 138.4x15x140cm, 2009

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 구자현

    untitled_ Gesso up, Gold leaf on panel, 144cm, 2007

  • 김택상

    Breath_s hue-heat waves (아지랑이_숨 빛_)_ acrylic, matt Vanish on canvas, 70x79cm, 2009

  • 노병열

    winter_ mixed media(밀가루, 채색한 돌), 120x270cm, 2009

  • 정은주

    Red_ Acrylic on Wood, 360x123x6cm, 2009

  • 차계남

    untitled 5348-1_ sisil hemp, 200x75x200cm, 2001

  • 김인겸

    Space-Less_ Urethane Acrylic Coating on Stainless Steel, 138.4x15x140cm, 2009

  • 남춘모

    beam_ Mixed Media, 160x120cm, 2008

  • 홍승혜

    증폭 (Volume-Up)_ each, C-Print mounted on Plexiglass, 30×60cm, 2009

  • 장승택

    Untitled-Trans painting_ mixed media, 60x120cm, 2010

  • 박기원

    Width_ paper on oil color, 215x150cm, 2008

  • 박종규

    Layers, dimensions_ canvas on seat, 90x65.1cm, 2009

  • 이교준

    Void_ Veneerboard, 45.4x45.4x17cm, 2009

Other Works by 김인겸(Inkyum Kim)View All

  • 김인겸

    Space-Less(좌), Space-Less(우)_ Primer Surface Coating on Stainless-Steel, Acrylic Urethane Coating on Stainless Steel, 146x17x120cm, 138x18x140cm, 2009

  • 김인겸

    Space-less_ Acrylic urethane coating on stainless steel, 138x18x140cm, 2009

  • 김인겸

    Space-less_ Ink on Paper , 79x55cm, 2009

  • 김인겸

    Space-Less_ Urethane Acrylic Coating on Stainless Steel, 138.4x15x140cm, 2009

  • 김인겸

    드로잉 스컬프쳐 Dessin de Sculpture_ 1997

  • 김인겸

    Space-Less_ stainless steel and prima coating, 146x18x120cm, 2009

  • 김인겸

    빈 공간 Emptiness_ 2005

  • 김인겸

    Space-less_ Stainless steel, 150x21x125cm, 2010

  • 김인겸

    스페이스리스 Space-Less_ 2016

  • 김인겸

    Space-Less_ Acrylic Urethane Coating on Stainless Steel, 146x21x113cm, 2009

  • 김인겸

    Space-less_ Acrylic urethane coating on stainless steel, 84x9x94cm, 2009

  • 김인겸

    Space-Less_ Acrylic Urethane Coating on Stainless Steel, 86x8x90cm, 2010

  • 김인겸

    Space-less_ Acrylic urethane coating on stainless steel, 84x9x94cm, 2009

  • 김인겸

    Space-less_ Ink on paper, 109x79cm, 2009

  • 김인겸

    Space-less_ Ink on paper, 109x79cm, 2009