• 앙드레 마송(André Masson)

    1896년 프랑스 Balagny-sur-Thérain 출생

    Ibdes in Aragon


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Other Works by 앙드레 마송(André Masson)View All

  • 앙드레 마송

    Pedestal Table in the Studio (Le Guéridon dans l'atelier)_ 1922, oil on canvas, 50 x 60.4 cm

  • 앙드레 마송

    Ibdes in Aragon_ 1935

  • 앙드레 마송

    The Red Lands and the Montagne Sainte Victoire_ 1948

  • 앙드레 마송

    Le Bois de Clamart_ Oil on canvas, 65.3x53.4cm, 1923