• 장파(Jang Pa)

    1981년 서울 출생

    Fluid Neon

    2016, Oil on Canvas, 31.8x40.9cm

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 장파

    Brutal Skins_ 2018, Oil on Canvas, 50.5x40.5cm

  • 장파

    Fluid Neon_ 2016, Oil on Canvas, 33.4x24.2cm

  • 장파

    Fluid Neon_ 2016, Oil on Canvas, 31.8x40.9cm

  • 장파

    Fluid Neon_ 2016, Oil on Canvas, 27.3x22cm

Other Works by 장파(Jang Pa)View All

  • 장파

    Faithful Façade_ gold leaf & digital print on paper, 100x136.4cm, 2013

  • 장파

    My Little Riot Girl_ 2015, 리넨 위 유채, 181.8 x 227.3 cm

  • 장파

    Grinning Like A Cheshire Cat_ 2015, 캔버스에 유채, 60.6 x 40.9cm

  • 장파

    Studies for the Baubo series_ Charcoal on paper_76 x 56cm_2019

  • 장파

    Post-it_ Charcoal and Acrylic on paper_220 x 314cm_2019

  • 장파

    Brutal Skins_ 2018, Oil on Canvas, 50.5x40.5cm

  • 장파

    여성_형상_ Mama 연작_ 2023, 캔버스에 유화물감, 아크릴릭물감, 스크린프린트, 259.1× 387.8cm, 작가 소장. ⓒ 장파

  • 장파

    drawings for The end of the world_ acrylic & chinese ink on canvas, 130.3x80.3cm, 2010

  • 장파

    Studies for the Baubo series_ Charcoal and Acrylic on paper_ 76 x 56cm_2019

  • 장파

    Here Before no.01,02_ acrylic & ink on canvas, 98.5x98.5cmx2, 2013

  • 장파

    Studies for the Baubo series_ Charcoal on paper_76 x 56cm_2019

  • 장파

    Boundlessness_ single-channel video, 00:10:23, 2013

  • 장파

    Studies for the Baubo series_ Charcoal and Acrylic on paper_ 76 x 56cm_2019

  • 장파

    Fluid Neon Series_ 2016, 캔버스에 유채, 91 x 116.8 cm

  • 장파

    Fluid Neon_ 2016, Oil on Canvas, 33.4x24.2cm

  • 장파

    할망 : 태초_ 캔버스에 유채, 227.3 x 162.1 cm, 2023 © SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation and the Artist. All rights reserved.