• 이완(Wan Lee)

    1979년 서울 출생

    Mr. K and the Collection of Korean History (Venice installation view)

    2010-2017. Photographs and assorted archive objects. Dimensions variable. Installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by the Artist. Courtesy of the Artist

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 코디 최

    Venetian Rhapsody – The Power of Bluff_ 2016-17. Neon, LED, Steel, Canvas, PVC. 1243x1033x111cm. Day installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by Riccardo Tosetto. Courtesy of the Artist

  • 코디 최

    Venetian Rhapsody – The Power of Bluff_ 2016-17. Neon, LED, Steel, Canvas, PVC. 1243x1033x111cm. Night installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by Riccardo Tosetto. Courtesy of the Artist

  • 이완

    Proper Time: Though the Dreams Revolve with the Moon_ 2017. 668 clocks. Dimensions variable. Installation view with For a Better Tomorrow at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by the Artist. Courtesy of the Artist.

  • 이완

    Proper Time _ Detail_

  • 코디 최

    The Thinker_ 1995-96. Toilet paper, Pepto-Bismol, Wood. Installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by Riccardo Tosetto. Courtesy of ARARIO Museum and the Artist.

  • 이완

    For a Better Tomorrow (detail frame shot)_ 2016-17. Plastic. 60x70x70cm. Installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by the Artist. Courtesy of the Artist.

  • 이완

    Made In (objects installation)_ 2013-present. 12 documentaries and 12 objects. Made In objects installation view. Photo by the Artist. Courtesy of the Artist.

  • 코디 최

    Cody’s Legend vs. Freud’s Shit Box, Ed 2/3+AP_ 2017. Bronze, wood, steel. Installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by Riccardo Tosetto. Courtesy of the Artist.

  • 이완

    Mr. K and the Collection of Korean History (Venice installation view)_ 2010-2017. Photographs and assorted archive objects. Dimensions variable. Installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by the Artist. Courtesy of the Artist

  • 이완

    Mr. K and the Collection of Korean History (Venice installation view- detail frame shot)_

  • 코디 최

    Color Haze_ 2016. Moving light, glasses, fog machine. Dimensions Variable. Installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by Riccardo Tosetto. Courtesy of the Artist

  • 코디 최

    Cheesekhwa _ Color Painting _ RED_ 2016-17. Oil on canvas. 124.3x161.7 cm. Courtesy of the Artist.

  • 코디 최

    Dyspeptic Universe_ 2017 re-collage. Photo collage. 45x39 cm. Courtesy of the Artist

Other Works by 이완(Wan Lee)View All

  • 이완

    메이드 인 대만(설탕, 설탕스푼, 설탕그릇)_ 3채널 영상, 00:13:36 loop, 2013

  • 이완

    06kg No.9How to Become Us_ mixed media, 2011

  • 이완

    Proper Time: Though the Dreams Revolve with the Moon_ 2017. 668 clocks. Dimensions variable. Installation view with For a Better Tomorrow at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by the Artist. Courtesy of the Artist.

  • 이완

    Proper Time _ Detail_

  • 이완

    For a Better Tomorrow (detail frame shot)_ 2016-17. Plastic. 60x70x70cm. Installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by the Artist. Courtesy of the Artist.

  • 이완

    Made In (objects installation)_ 2013-present. 12 documentaries and 12 objects. Made In objects installation view. Photo by the Artist. Courtesy of the Artist.

  • 이완

    Mr. K and the Collection of Korean History (Venice installation view)_ 2010-2017. Photographs and assorted archive objects. Dimensions variable. Installation view at the Korean Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Photo by the Artist. Courtesy of the Artist

  • 이완

    Mr. K and the Collection of Korean History (Venice installation view- detail frame shot)_