• 류정민(Ryu Jung-Min)

    1979년 서울 출생

    1h09'11'' Landshut

    Photocollage-Pigment Print, 100x144.5cm, 2009

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 류정민

    The Path of Error #5_ Photocollage,C-print, 120x120cm, 2009

  • 류정민

    The Path of Error #5_ Photocollage,C-print, 180x218cm, 2009

  • 류정민

    1h09'11'' Landshut_ Photocollage-Pigment Print, 100x144.5cm, 2009

  • 류정민

    4h42'08'' Paris_ Photocollage-Pigment Print, 100x144.5cm, 2009

  • 박상희

    홍콩 밤풍경_ Acrylic on canvas sheet cutting, 97x194cm, 2008

  • 박상희

    레드 하우스_ Acrylic on canvas sheet cutting, 130x60cm, 2009

  • 박상희

    버스정류장_ Acrylic on canvas sheet cutting, 91x72.7cm, 2009

  • 박상희

    홍등_ Acrylic on canvas sheet cutting, 91x117cm, 2008

Other Works by 류정민(Ryu Jung-Min)View All

  • 류정민

    The Path of Error #5_ Photocollage,C-print, 120x120cm, 2009

  • 류정민

    아인슈타인:생각의 생각 #F01_ 자석, 피그먼트 프린트, 스티로폼, 입체포토 콜라쥬, 125x130x123cm, 2018

  • 류정민

    The Path of Error #5_ Photocollage,C-print, 180x218cm, 2009

  • 류정민

    1h09'11'' Landshut_ Photocollage-Pigment Print, 100x144.5cm, 2009

  • 류정민

    4h42'08'' Paris_ Photocollage-Pigment Print, 100x144.5cm, 2009

  • 류정민

    The Path of Error1_ C-print with facemount, 200x84cm, 2008

  • 류정민

    The Path of Error 2_ C-print_with_facemount, 200x177cm, 2008