• 김근중(Kim Keunjoong)

    1955년 출생

    Natural Being (존재내세계)18-12

    162x130cm, Oil on canvas, 2018

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 이돈아

    榮華-Time and Space_ 90.9x65.1cm, acrylic on canvas, 2018

  • 이돈아

    榮華-Time and Space_ 130.3x162.1cm, stone powder, acrylic on canvas, 2016

  • 김선형

    GARDENBLUE_ 70X32.5cm, Mixed media on cotton, 2015

  • 김선형

    富貴靑華_ 60x35cm, Mixed media on hanji, 2018

  • 임서령

    午睡之夢_ 136x85cm, 장지에 수묵, 수간채색, 2016

  • 김덕용

    積 - 책거리_ 나무에 자개.혼합기법, 72x95cm, 2017

  • 임서령

    舍廊閑談사랑한담_ 41x32cm, 장지에 수간채, 석채, 2017

  • 허동화

    숲_ 130x162cm, 캔버스에 아크릴, 2016

  • 김선두

    별을 보여드립니다 - 빗새_ 장지에먹, 분채, 180x140cm, 2018

  • 허동화

    숲_ 91x72, 캔버스에 아크릴, 2016

  • 허원실

    겨울_ 91x117cm, 옛 천 뒷며에 한지로 배접, 2007

  • 김덕용

    결 - 옛날의 그집_ 91x100cm, 나무에 자개. 혼합기법, 2017

  • 허원실

    가을_ 91x117cm, 옛 천 뒷면에 한지로 배접, 2017

  • 김선두

    별을 보여드립니다 - 마른옥수수_ 장지에먹, 분채, 180x140cm, 2018

  • 김근중

    Natural Being (존재내세계)18-12_ 162x130cm, Oil on canvas, 2018

  • 김근중

    Natural Being-the garden of inner mind 18-16_ 90.8x73cm, Mixed media, pigment, 2018

Other Works by 김근중(Kim Keunjoong)View All

  • 김근중

    존재내세계(存在內世界,Natural Being)16-18_ 162x130cm, Oil on Canvas, 2016

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(存在) 22-22_ 35x27.5cm Pigment Mixed media on Canvas 2022

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(存在) 23-50, 23-51_ 2023, Pigment, mixed media on canvas, 각 130×97cm, 이미지 제공 : 갤러리마리

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(存在)18-21_ 100x80cm. Plaster bandage and pigment on canvas. 2018

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(存在) 22-31_ 35x27.5cm Pigment Mixed media on Canvas 2022

  • 김근중

    존재내세계(存在內世界,Natural Being)16-18_ 162x130cm, Oil on Canvas, 2016

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(存在)22-8_ 53x45.5cm.Pigment, Plaster Bandage on Canvas.2022

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(存在)18-24_ 90.8x70.3cm. Plaster bandage and pigment on canvas. 2018

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(존재, 存在)21-38_ 53.1x45.7cm. Plaster bandage, pigment. 2021

  • 김근중

    꽃,이전(花,以前. Before-Flower)16-20_ 50x100cm, Oil on Canvas, 2016​

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(존재, 存在)22-3_ 53x45.5cm. Mixed Media, pigment. 2022

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(存在)18-40_ 162x130cm. Plaster bandage and pigment on canvas. 2018

  • 김근중

    밤. 독도-1_ 162x130cm_Mixed Media, Pigment_2020

  • 김근중

    꽃,이전(花,以前. Before-Flower)16-20_ 50x100cm, Oil on Canvas, 2016​

  • 김근중

    Natural Being(存在)18-42_ 162x130cm. Plaster bandage and pigment on canvas. 2018

  • 김근중

    ​ Natural Being(꽃세상,原本自然圖)9-14_ 162x130cm(100호), Acrylic on Canvas, 2009