• Illuminate Text _the 3rd voice

    laser cutting, black acrylic mirror, 240x140cm, 2010, 개인소장

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 김홍주

    Untitled1994~1995_ acrylic on canvas, 32x144cm, 2010, 개인소장

  • 김경주

    Illuminate Text _the 3rd voice_ laser cutting, black acrylic mirror, 240x140cm, 2010, 개인소장

  • 노주환

    먼저할일부터_ 납활자, 21x15x5cm, 2010, 개인소장

  • 박영근

    칸트의 시간_ oil on canvas, 310x162cm, 2010, 개인소장

  • 오윤석

    불이선란도_ paper cutting, acrylic on paper, 120x200cm_13장, 2008, 개인소장

  • 오치규

    우린 무엇을 향하는가 날마다1~15_ 판화지에 실크 스크린, 15_39.5x27.0cm(내)92.0x62.0cm(외), 2010, 개인소장

  • 정광호

    THE LETTERS910174_ brass, 174x93x8cm, 2009, 개인소장

  • 김승영

    Peace compass_ acrylic, stainless steel, 489×129×2.5 cm, 2007, 개인소장

  • 김승영

    Peace compass_ stainless steel, 489×129×2.5 cm, 2007, 개인소장

Other Works by 김경주(Kim Kyung-Joo)View All

  • 김경주

    ohohoh_ Schmincke Acrylic with Special Medium on Canvas, variety size, 2010

  • 김경주

    Illuminate Text _the 3rd voice_ laser cutting, black acrylic mirror, 240x140cm, 2010, 개인소장

  • 김경주

    ohohoh_ Schmincke Acrylic with Special Medium on Canvas, variety size, 2010

  • 김경주

    ohohoh_ Schmincke Acrylic with Special Medium on Canvas, variety size, 2010

  • 김경주

    ohohoh_ Schmincke Acrylic with Special Medium on Canvas, variety size, 2010

  • 김경주

    ohohoh_ Schmincke Acrylic with Special Medium on Canvas, variety size, 2010

  • 김경주

    ohohoh_ Schmincke Acrylic with Special Medium on Canvas, variety size, 2010

  • 김경주

    Parcel Out(부분)_ Chemical Implement Sodalime Glass and Disposable Petridish_PS_Sterile, variety size, 2010

  • 김경주

    Parcel out(부분)_ Glass and Disposable Petridish_PS_Sterile, variety size, 2010

  • 김경주

    Parcel Out(부분)_ Chemical Implement Sodalime Glass and Disposable Petridish_PS_Sterile, variety size, 2010