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  • 권정호

    해골 87-1(skeleton 87-1)_ 133.5x179.3cm, acrylic on canvas, 1987

  • 권정호

    소리 85(sound 85)_ 144.2x156.5cm, acrylic and paper on canvas, 1985

  • 권정호

    소리(The sound)_ Mix Media(ruler, speaker, wood…), 1984 _ 20x11.5x122cm, 2019 재제작

  • 권정호

    해골 85(skeleton 85)_ 90.6x90.6cm, acrylic on canvas, 1985

  • 권정호


Other Works by 권정호(Jung Ho Kwon )View All

  • 권정호

    해골-군상들_ Acrylic on canvas, 91x116.8cm, 2010

  • 권정호

    Accident_ 석판화_78x65cm_1984

  • 권정호

    해골 87-1(skeleton 87-1)_ 133.5x179.3cm, acrylic on canvas, 1987

  • 권정호

    3.5.8 Untitled_ 2020 Dakpaper_800x500x300cm

  • 권정호

    Gate through the Future_상세_001_ Dakpaper in acrylic case_2024_210x270x70cm_2024

  • 권정호

    미래를 통하는 문_ 2010

  • 권정호

    Gate through the Future_상세_002_ Dakpaper in acrylic case_2024_210x270x70cm_2024

  • 권정호

    소리 85(sound 85)_ 144.2x156.5cm, acrylic and paper on canvas, 1985

  • 권정호

    Gate through the Future_상세_003_ Dakpaper in acrylic case_2024_210x270x70cm_2024

  • 권정호

    Gate through the future1_ Dakpaper in acrylic case, 410x440x315cm, 2010, 개인소장

  • 권정호

    Gate through the Future001_ Dakpaper in acrylic case_2024_210x270x70cm_2024

  • 권정호

    소리(The sound)_ Mix Media(ruler, speaker, wood…), 1984 _ 20x11.5x122cm, 2019 재제작

  • 권정호

    Skelectons-93_ 33x29cm_Acrylic on canvas_ 1993

  • 권정호

    Golgotha _4.5_ Dakpaper on canvas, 245x390cm., 2013, 개인소장

  • 권정호

    SOUND-84-4_ 130 x 97cm_Acrylic on canvas_1984

  • 권정호

    해골 85(skeleton 85)_ 90.6x90.6cm, acrylic on canvas, 1985