• I am

    stainless steel, 15x40x20, 2010

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 김양선

    a course_ stainless steel, 180x350x400, 2010

  • 김양선

    breathing space_ stainless, 800x500x800, 2010

  • 김양선

    have concern_ stainless steel, 35x38x35(cm)., 2010

  • 김양선

    I am_ stainless, 1200x1200x150, 2010

  • 김양선

    live in the same house_ stainless steel, 35x40x35, 2010

  • 김양선

    I am_ stainless steel, 15x40x20, 2010

Other Works by 김양선(Kim Yang-Sun)View All

  • 김양선

    a course_ stainless steel, 180x350x400, 2010

  • 김양선

    breathing space_ stainless, 800x500x800, 2010

  • 김양선

    have concern_ stainless steel, 35x38x35(cm)., 2010

  • 김양선

    I am_ stainless, 1200x1200x150, 2010

  • 김양선

    live in the same house_ stainless steel, 35x40x35, 2010

  • 김양선

    I am_ stainless steel, 15x40x20, 2010