• 송광익(Song Kwang-Ik)

    1950년 대구 출생

    Nothing, Paper

    2020 Korean paper_540x840x90cm 송광익

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 곽훈

    Halaayt_ 2020 acrylic on canvas_162.2x130.3cm

  • 송광익

    Nothing, Paper_ 2020 Korean paper_540x840x90cm 송광익

  • 권정호

    3.5.8 Untitled_ 2020 Dakpaper_800x500x300cm

  • 김영진

    world 19_ 2020 mixed media_dimension variable

  • 박두영

    04BY202008B_ 2020 mixed acrylic medium on linen_225x155cm

  • 박철호

    반사_ 2020 Acrylic on canvas_227x182cm

  • 서옥순

    Walking in the imagination of whose time standing still_ 2020 mixed media_700x500x300cm

  • 최병소

    무제_ 2012 Newspaper, Ballpointpen, Pencil_37x58x1cm(12pieces)

Other Works by 송광익(Song Kwang-Ik)View All

  • 송광익

    detail_ canson tape, 120x60cm, 2010

  • 송광익

    Paperthings_ Hanji_140x110cm_2018

  • 송광익

    Nothing, Paper_ 2020 Korean paper_540x840x90cm 송광익

  • 송광익

    지물(紙物)_ 한지_140x110_2018

  • 송광익

    Paperthings_ Hanji_140x110cm_2018

  • 송광익

    지물 紙物 Paper things_ 한지, 140×110cm, 2022