• 우윤진(Yunjin La-mei Woo)

    1984년 서울 출생

    40 Days without Shoes

    performance, 3-channel video (color, 16 min.), Seoul, Korea, 2010

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Other Works by 우윤진(Yunjin La-mei Woo)View All

  • 우윤진

    Infected Instructions_ online archive of performance instructions for the age of global pandemics, 2020 ​ (https://www.infectedinstructions.org)

  • 우윤진

    Documentation_ performance, duration variable, Indiana, USA, 2016-2017

  • 우윤진

    私善党 / 사선당_ graffiti series, cut-out local newspapers, wheat paste, Shanghai, China, 2011 – 2012.

  • 우윤진

    Three Witches_ installation, three electric kettles constantly boiling sulfurous water (endlessly replenished), extension cords, used bed cover, electricity, 2016

  • 우윤진

    40 Days without Shoes_ performance, 3-channel video (color, 16 min.), Seoul, Korea, 2010