• 이주연(Lee Joo-Youn)

    1970년 출생


    paper installation, 146x164cm, 2010

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 다카시 히노다

    Something Irresistible_ ceramic, 48x32x34cm, 2010

  • 츠카모토 토모야

    Crown_ oil on canvas, 65.2x53cm, 2008

  • 이지연

    기억을그리다#1_2558100_ acrylic on canvas,line tape, 77x33cm, 2010

  • 다카시 히노다

    The World_ ceramic, 45x30x28cm, 2010

  • 츠카모토 토모야

    Flower_ oil on canvas, 65.2x53cm, 2010

  • 이지연

    5월의 일지를 들춰보다_ acrylic on canvas,line tape, 41x32cm, 2003

  • 이주연

    Gather_ paper installation, 45x45cm, 2010

  • 박은선

    Castle_Still image_ video,4분29초, 2010

  • 이주연

    Population_ paper installation, 146x164cm, 2010

  • 박은선

    Castle_ acrylic on canvas, 250x212cm, 2010

  • 고선경

    걱정말아요 다 꿈이니까_ oil on canvas, 91x61cm, 2010

  • 고선경

    Alice in nostalgia_ oil on canvas, 90x55cm, 2009

Other Works by 이주연(Lee Joo-Youn)View All

  • 이주연

    Boat _ Paper Sculpture, 35x32cm , 2008

  • 이주연

    Who Are You 1+3_ 45.7x71.2cm(2ea), Acrylic on canvas, 2012

  • 이주연

    Diaspora Vibe Gallery, Miami, USA _ 2008

  • 이주연

    Who Are You 1_ 45.7x35.6cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2012

  • 이주연

    Gather_ paper installation, 45x45cm, 2010

  • 이주연

    Self-Realization_ 60x45cm, Linocut, 2018

  • 이주연

    Population_ paper installation, 146x164cm, 2010

  • 이주연

    Devotion_ 60x45cm, Linocut, 2018

  • 이주연

    What Do You Tell_ 91x66cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2019

  • 이주연

    Echo Beyond time in two pieces_87x86x2cm_powder pigment, korean paper on wood_2018_ Echo Beyond time in two pieces_94x82x2cm_powder pigment, korean paper on wood_2018