• 김태호(Kim Tae-Ho)

    1948년 부산 출생

    내재율 Internal Rhythm

    65x53cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2010

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 박서보

    묘법 Ecriture_ 27x22cm, Mixed media with Korean paper on canvas, 2003

  • 이우환

    묘법 Ecriture_ 27.3x22cm, Mixed media with Korean paper on canvas, 2003

  • 박서보

    Ecriture 40-81_ 81x65cm, Pigment print, 2020

  • 박서보

    묘법 Ecriture_ 26x18cm, Mixed media with Korean paper on canvas, 2003

  • 이배

    무제 Untitled_ 162x130cm, Acrylic medium and black charcoal on canvas, 2016

  • 이배

    무제 Untitled_ 80x60cm, Archival pigment print, 2012

  • 이배

    무제 Untitled_ 80x60cm, Archival pigment print, 2012

  • 이우환

    무제_ 65x50cm, 종이에 목탄, 1993

  • 이우환

    무제_ 77x57cm, 종이에 목탄, 1996

  • 이건용

    The Method of Drawing_ 24.5x17.5cm, Graphite, pastel on paper, 2011

  • 이우환

    무제_ 32.5x38cm, 종이에 수채, 1996

  • 이건용

    The Method of Drawing_ 47x23cm, Acrylic on paper, 2012

  • 이건용

    호수, 나무, 구름_ 39.5x55cm, Acrylic on paper, 2011

  • 이우환

    무제_ 44.5x33.5cm, 종이에 수채, 2001

  • 이건용

    The Method of Drawing_ 40x31cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2012

  • 이우환

    무제_ 59x44cm, 석판화, 2013

Other Works by 김태호(Kim Tae-Ho)View All

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 201006_ acrylic on canvas, 26.6x18.7cm, 2010

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 202216_ 54.5x46.5cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2022

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 2022-57_ 2022 Acrylic on canvas 92x73.5cm

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 2021-65_ 118.5x92.7cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2021

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 202211_ 54.3x47cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2022

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 2022-80_ 2022 Acrylic on canvas 92x73.8cm

  • 김태호

    형상 90-822_ 1990, 캔버스에 혼합재료, 162x240cm ⓒKIM TAE HO 2017

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 202171_ 54x46.5cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2021

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 2010-20_ 2010 Acrylic on canvas 66x54cm

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 2022-34_ 117.7x92.3cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2022

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 202173_ 54x46.5cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2021

  • 김태호

    내재율 2011-44_ 캔버스에 아크릴릭, 163x260cm, 2011, 작가 소장

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 2011-10_ 2011 Acrylic on canvas 162.5x97.5cm

  • 김태호

    형상 86-0604_ 1986, 캔버스에 혼합재료, 각각 185x95cm

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 2020-54_ 163.3x131.3cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2020

  • 김태호

    Internal Rhythm 2011-9_ 2011 Acrylic on canvas 162.7x97.3cm