• 윤형근(Yoon Hyung-Geun)

    1928년 충북 청원 출생

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine Blue

    1992, Oil on linen, 80.5×100cm

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 박서보

    Écriture (描法) No. 23–77_ 1977, Pencil and oil on canvas, 130×190cm

  • 박서보

    Écriture No.220425_ 2022, Acrylic on ceramic, 56×46.4cm

  • 쿠사마 야요이

    Pumpkin_ 2000, Acrylic on canvas, 15.8×22.7cm

  • 쿠사마 야요이

    Stars in the Universe_ 2011, Acrylic on canvas, 130×130cm

  • 김창열

    Waterdrops_ 1973, Oil on linen, 99.5×99cm

  • 이우환

    Dialogue_ 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 218×291cm

  • 이우환

    Untitled (from Winds)_ 1982, Oil and mineral pigment on canvas, 116.8×91cm

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine Blue_ 1992, Oil on linen, 80.5×100cm

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine Blue_ 1992, Oil on linen, 130.4×162.4cm

  • 김창열

    Recurrence PA96001_ 1995, Oil and acrylic on hemp cloth, 116×87cm

Other Works by 윤형근(Yoon Hyung-Geun)View All

  • 윤형근

    Umber Blue E77#41_ 270x140cm, 1977

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber and Ultramarine_ 1980, Oil on linen 182 x 228 cm © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery.

  • 윤형근

    No Title_ 1971

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine_ 1981 Oil on hanji 47 x 63 cm © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery.

  • 윤형근

    Drawing_ 1981, Color on paper, 43.6 x 30.5 cm. © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery.

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine_ 1981 Oil painting on hanji 64 x 48 cm © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery

  • 윤형근

    Umber-Blue 77_ 1977

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine_ 1981 Oil painting on hanji 32 x 24 cm © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery.

  • 윤형근

    Drawing _ 1981 Color on paper 30.5 x 43.6 cm © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine _ 2002 Oil on linen 97.8 x 162.5 cm © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery.

  • 윤형근

    Umber-Blue, 77-25_ 1977

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine _ 2002 Oil on linen 195 x 97.5 cm © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery.

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine_ 1977 - 1989 Oil on linen 73 x 91 cm Image ⓒYun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber and Ultramarine Blue_ 1978

  • 윤형근

    Drawing_ Undated Color on paper 17.3 x 25.3 cm © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery.

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber and Ultramarine Blue_ 2007