• 채은미(Chae Eun-Mi)

    1979년 출생


    2022 Gold leaf, gold-plated injection model, Korean traditional lacquer & painting on Mother of pearl, birch panel 38x31x7cm

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    Mountain Pool with Flags_ 2022 Enamel and acrylic on canvas 65.1 x 50cm

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    Halaayt_ 2022 Acrylic on Canvas 116.8x91cm

  • 권여현

    낯선숲의 일탈자들 Deviators in Heteroclite Forest_ 2021 73 x 91cm Oil on canvas

  • 이채영

    숨_ 2022 45.5x53cm 한지에 먹

  • 김민주

    사유의 숲_ 2022 장지에 먹과 채색 91x116cm

  • 김정수

    진달래 - 축복_ 2022 아마포 위에 유화 45.5x38cm

  • 박현웅

    넌 지금 어디쯤 있을까 III_ 2022 50x50cm Acrylic on wood

  • 서상익

    휴식2_ 2022 Oil on canvas 35x21cm

  • 송지연

    그 곳을 바라보다_ 2022 53x45.5cm Acrylic on linen

  • 송하나

    꽃_ 2021 50x50cm Oil on canvas

  • 오상열

    두근 두근- 기다림_ 2022 40.9x31.8cm Acrylic on canvas

  • 윤석원

    About light and matter-R1_ 2022 50x50cm oil on canvas

  • 이길우

    뉴욕 센트럴파크, 아이 1 순지에 향불_ 장지에 채색 및 혼합 기법, 배접,코팅 55X37cm

  • 이동욱

    평온_ 2023 60x72cm Oil on canvas

  • 이수진

    물이 든 컵 A Glass of Water_ 2021 Oil on linen 22×27.3cm

  • 임수진

    세잔의 작업실_ 2021 Oil on canvas 45x60.5cm

Other Works by 채은미(Chae Eun-Mi)View All

  • 채은미

    상실의 시대 Ⅳ_ 2010

  • 채은미

    Norwegian wood Ⅲ_ glass,stainless steel, 250x180x900cm, 2010

  • 채은미

    Norwegian wood Ⅳ_ 2010

  • 채은미

    Norwegian wood Ⅳ_ 2010

  • 채은미

    Etemalharte-22-3_ 2022 Gold leaf, gold-plated injection model, Korean traditional lacquer & painting on Mother of pearl, birch panel 38x31x7cm