• 이세현(Lee Sea-Hyun)

    1967년 경남 통영 출생

    Between Red 84

    Oil on Linen, 600cmx200cm, 2009

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 전준호

    WELCOME_ Digital_Animation._Duration, 13min_02sec, 2009

  • 이세현

    Between Red 59_ Oil on Linen, 200x250cm, 2008, ONE AND J Gallery

  • 이세현

    Between Red 84_ Oil on Linen, 600cmx200cm, 2009

  • 리경

    Apocalypto10.1_ Processing script installation, 2010

  • 리경

    Paradise Lost_cross&veil_ Lenticuler, 90x96cm, 2007

  • 리경

    Paradise Lost_cross&veil_ Lenticuler, 90x96cm, 2007

  • 김기라

    Encounter with Reece_ 2007

  • 김기라

    workshop for children_King_s Lynn Arts Centre_ 2007

  • 정연두

    Little Red Riding Hood_ C print, 120x145cm, 2004

  • 정연두

    Wanna be a Singer_ 76x92cm, 2004

Other Works by 이세현(Lee Sea-Hyun)View All

  • 이세현

    Between Red-017APR02_ 리넨에 유채, 180×100cm

  • 이세현

    Between Red - 020DEC02_ 2020, Oil on Linen, 200 x 200cm

  • 이세현

    Between Red 59_ Oil on Linen, 200x250cm, 2008, ONE AND J Gallery

  • 이세현

    Between Red-022DEC03_ 2022, Oil on Linene. 130 x 130m

  • 이세현

    꽃잎_ Petal, Mixed Media, 165x133x315cm, 2012

  • 이세현

    <Beyond Blue 024FEB01>,_ 2024, 리넨에 유채, 150x150cm

  • 이세현

    Beyond Red -022LUN03_ 2022, Oil and Gold foil on Linen, 162.2 x 130.3cm

  • 이세현

    Between Red_ 2015, 캔버스에 유채, 70x130, 국립현대미술관 미술은행 소장

  • 이세현

    Beyond Red-022SEP01_ 2022, Oil and Gold foil on Linene, 110 x 150m

  • 이세현

    Between Red 84_ Oil on Linen, 600cmx200cm, 2009

  • 이세현

    'Beyond Blue' 연작과 청화백자_

  • 이세현

    Beyond Blue-022APR01_ 2022, Oil on Linene, 60 x 60cm, 2022

  • 이세현

    해안선_ Shoreline, Mixed Media, 136x150x243cm, 2012

  • 이세현

    Between Red_ Oil on linen, 250×250cm, 2022

  • 이세현

    Beyond Blue-022APR02_ 2022, Oil on Linene, 60cm x 60cm, 2022제작

  • 이세현

    Between Red-157_ Oil on Linen, 300x200cm, 2012