• exploring under the autobahn

    Achromatic transmission hologram with 200 frame vertical animation laminated to laser etched plexigl, 49x38cm, 2010

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    PaterNoster_ Reflection hologram with 200 frame vertical animation on glass, 40x30cm, 2006

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    Up a tree on the edge of the South China Sea_ Achromatic transmission hologram with 200 frame vertical animation on plexiglass, 49x38cm, 2007

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    This morning on the balcony reminded me of a dream_ Achromatic transmission hologram with 200 frame horizontal animation on plexiglass, 38x49cm, 2010

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    exploring under the autobahn_ Achromatic transmission hologram with 200 frame vertical animation laminated to laser etched plexigl, 49x38cm, 2010

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    Up the Stairs_ holograms made for a stairwell installation for the -1/MinusEins in Exil exhibition of the Sommerloc, 2010

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    up and down the spiral stairs_ Achromatic transmission hologram with 200 frame vertical animation laminated to laser etched plexigl, 49x38cm, 2010

Other Works by 마티나 몽고비우스(Martina Mrongovius)View All

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    PaterNoster_ Reflection hologram with 200 frame vertical animation on glass, 40x30cm, 2006

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    Up a tree on the edge of the South China Sea_ Achromatic transmission hologram with 200 frame vertical animation on plexiglass, 49x38cm, 2007

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    This morning on the balcony reminded me of a dream_ Achromatic transmission hologram with 200 frame horizontal animation on plexiglass, 38x49cm, 2010

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    exploring under the autobahn_ Achromatic transmission hologram with 200 frame vertical animation laminated to laser etched plexigl, 49x38cm, 2010

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    Up the Stairs_ holograms made for a stairwell installation for the -1/MinusEins in Exil exhibition of the Sommerloc, 2010

  • 마티나 몽고비우스

    up and down the spiral stairs_ Achromatic transmission hologram with 200 frame vertical animation laminated to laser etched plexigl, 49x38cm, 2010