Chessman_King_ 2020, 도기에 유약, 판성형, 물레성형, 114×43×43cm
After the Rain_ 2016~2017, 캔버스에 재, 안료, 거즈, 실, 100×200cm, 국립현대미술관 미술은행 소장
After Dinner_ 2022, 214cmx350cm, Acrylic on canvas banner
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PYROKINESIS 2.0_ 2023, 캔버스에 유채, 아크릴 폴리머, 150×150cm
Woolscape-sparkle(yolk)_ 2024, 캔버스에 유채, 65×50cm
실상(Le Temps)_ 2021~, 천, 실, 색지, 569×151cm
변성(變性)하는 살(The Flesh Denaturing)_ 2007, 유리섬유, 강화 플라스틱, 황동, 136×95×53cm (ed.3/5)
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A Single Journey Can Change the Course of a Life_ Oil on Canvas, 65x92cm, 2013
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일생에 단 한 번_ 2023, 영상, 30분 울산시립미술관 제공
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Reflected Shadow 1_ Oil on canvas, 90x70cm, 2016
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일생에 단 한 번_ 2023, 영상, 30분 울산시립미술관 제공
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Arcosanti_ Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, 188x287cm, 2013
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Japantown_ Oil on canvas, 100x150cm, 2016
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PYROKINESIS 2.0_ 2023, 캔버스에 유채, 아크릴 폴리머, 150×150cm
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J1M1_ 2009, oil and acrylic on canvas, 136x286 cm
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Before the Invention of Death, 2009-2010, Oil on Canvas, 200x600cm_ Oil on Canvas, 200x600cm, 2010
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Central Connection_ Oil on canvas, 60x80cm, 2014
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Broadacre_ Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, 188x410cm, 2013
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I open my mouth to eat you_ Oil on canvas, 188x266cm, 2015
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전시 전경_ 2016
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13 Hours ahead (of NYC)_ 2019, 캔버스에 유채, 150x265.5cm