• 신성희(Shin Sung-Hee)

    1948년 안산 출생

    Space Painting (Peinture Spatiale)

    1998, acrylic and oil on canvas, 142.5 × 126.5 × 7 cm

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  • 신성희

    Space Painting (Peinture Spatiale)_ 1998, acrylic and oil on canvas, 142.5 × 126.5 × 7 cm

  • 신성희

    Space Painting (Peinture Spatiale)_ 2009, acrylic on canvas, 192 × 291 × 10 cm

  • 신성희

    Tremor of the Surface (Tremblement de Surface)_ 2008, acrylic on canvas, 153 × 233 × 7 cm

  • 신성희

    Tremore of the Surface (Tremblement de Surface)_ 1996, acrylic and oil on canvas, 91 × 77 × 4.5 cm

  • 신성희

    Palette_ 2009, acrylic and oil on canvas, 162.5 × 135 × 11 cm

  • 신성희

    Self-Portrait_ 2002, found object, acrylic on canvas, 54 × 43.5 × 10 cm

  • 신성희

    A Solution to Continuity (Solution de Continuite)_ 1993–1994, acrylic and oil on canvas, 162 × 114.5 × 5 cm

  • 신성희

    Spaces of Structure (Espace de Structure)_ 1992, cardboard, acrylic, collage, 91 × 61 × 1 cm

  • 신성희

    Towards a Space (Vers un Espace)_ 1998, acrylic on canvas, 103.3 × 84.4 × 4.5 cm

  • 신성희

    Interlace (Entrelacs)_ 1997, acrylic and oil on canvas, 55 × 46 × 1.8 cm

  • 신성희

    Painting (Reality and Illusion)_ 1976, oil on canvas, 60.5 × 40.5 × 2.5 cm

  • 신성희

    Empty Heart 3_ 1971, acrylic on wallpaper, 145.5 × 112 × 2.5 cm

Other Works by 신성희(Shin Sung-Hee)View All

  • 신성희

    평면의 진동_ Acrylic on Canvas, 192x291cm, 2008

  • 신성희

    Espace Pictural_ 1989, Acrylic on paper, 80 x 60 cm

  • 신성희

    Space Painting (Peinture Spatiale)_ 1998, acrylic and oil on canvas, 142.5 × 126.5 × 7 cm

  • 신성희

    연속성의 마무리_ 1993, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 198 x 288.5 cm

  • 신성희

    Space Painting (Peinture Spatiale)_ 2009, acrylic on canvas, 192 × 291 × 10 cm

  • 신성희

    Espace Pictural_ 1990, Acrylic on paper, 80 x 60 cm

  • 신성희

    Tremor of the Surface (Tremblement de Surface)_ 2008, acrylic on canvas, 153 × 233 × 7 cm

  • 신성희

    공간별곡_ Acrylic on Canvas, 200x200cm, 2006

  • 신성희

    Tremore of the Surface (Tremblement de Surface)_ 1996, acrylic and oil on canvas, 91 × 77 × 4.5 cm

  • 신성희

    Espace Pictural_ 1990, Collage, acrylic on cardboard, 80 x 60 cm

  • 신성희

    Palette_ 2009, acrylic and oil on canvas, 162.5 × 135 × 11 cm

  • 신성희

    연속성의 마무리_ 1992, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 162 x 114.5 cm

  • 신성희

    Self-Portrait_ 2002, found object, acrylic on canvas, 54 × 43.5 × 10 cm

  • 신성희

    Untitled_ 1990s, Roughcast, oil, acrylic on canvas, 96 x 75.6 x 5.7 cm

  • 신성희

    A Solution to Continuity (Solution de Continuite)_ 1993–1994, acrylic and oil on canvas, 162 × 114.5 × 5 cm

  • 신성희

    연속성의 마무리_ Acrylic on Canvas, 163x115cm, 1993