• The Island

    oil on canvas, 130x97cm, 2011

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  • 유지연

    The Island_ oil on canvas, 130x97cm, 2011

  • 유지연

    The Island_ oil on canvas, 130x97cm, 2011

Other Works by 유지연(Yoo Ji-Yeon)View All

  • 유지연

    ㅃㄷ_ 장지에 채색, 130x162cm, 2009

  • 유지연

    The Island_ oil on canvas, 130x97cm, 2011

  • 유지연

    ㅃㄷ_ 장지에 채색, 162x130cm, 2010

  • 유지연

    The Island_ oil on canvas, 130x97cm, 2011

  • 유지연

    ㅆㅇㅈㄷ_ 장지에 채색, 130x193cm, 2010

  • 유지연

    ㅆㅇㅈㄷ_ 장지에 채색, 130x193cm, 2010