• 임지빈(Im Ji-Bin)

    1984년 부산광역시 출생

    Slave car paint on plastic

    media instrumen, 60x90x165cm, 2009

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 이조흠

    social no5_ acrylic on canvas, 170x50cm, 2009

  • 임성수

    Manual for instability 1_ Mixed media, 90.2x90.3cm, 2010

  • 함영훈

    The Moment of Dancing_ Acrylic on Canvas, 130x162cm, 2009

  • 백종기

    명품장갑을 낀 3명의 아톰_ foamex+urethane color, 83x79x16cm, 2010

  • 찰스장

    Crack-k-k_ Acrylic on Canvas, 130x130cm, 2008

  • 고근호

    피크닉-3_ steel, 70x75x200cm, 2010

  • 변대용

    킁킁... 수상한 미키월드_ FRR. 자동차 도색, 300x300x170cm, 2010

  • 임지빈

    Slave car paint on plastic_ media instrumen, 60x90x165cm, 2009

  • 함준서

    20/120: A Tadpole Who Wanted to Become a Pig by Eating a Pearl_ 애니메이션_02'29", 2010

  • 김일동

    Run! Coinman__광화문_ Ultrachrome ink printed on paper, 120x80cm, 2011

Other Works by 임지빈(Im Ji-Bin)View All

  • 임지빈

    당신의 오늘 기분은 어떠한가요, Hows Your Day Today_ 1600x1600x200mm, Car paint on plastic, 2014

  • 임지빈

    사랑의 경로_ acrylic on canvas, 72.7X90.9cm(30F), 2012, 개인소장

  • 임지빈

    EVERYWHERE in Taipei No.1 at Nan Jing Road Variable installation balloon_ 2016

  • 임지빈

    You Are Not Alone_ 30x20x25cm, Chromium plating on plastic, 2021

  • 임지빈

    Slave_ car paint on Plastic_media instrument, 70x40x160cm, 2009

  • 임지빈

    Slave car paint on plastic_ media instrumen, 60x90x165cm, 2009

  • 임지빈

    Recycle Brick_ car paint on plastic, 30x20x60cm, 2012

  • 임지빈

    Super Father_ car paint on Plastic_media instrument, 60x40x160cm, 2009

  • 임지빈

    Dragon Brick_ car paint on resin, 80x80x12cm, 2011

  • 임지빈

    Everywhere_ 가변설치, 2017

  • 임지빈

    Love_ 2019 Car paint on plastic 70x40x95cm

  • 임지빈

    How is your day today?_ 2014 Car paint on plastic 16x16x20cm each

  • 임지빈

    이야기하는 사람들2_ 2023 Graphite on plastic, a horn of water buffalo 120x80x165cm

  • 임지빈

    How is your day today Light green?_ 2014 Car paint on plastic 16x16x20cm

  • 임지빈

    How is your day today Lemon?_ 2014 Car paint on plastic 16x16x20cm