1929년 평안남도 맹산 출생


    Indian ink and acrylic on rice paper mounted on canvas, 73x50cm, 2003

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 황주리

    꽃보다 사람 People then flower_ 캔버스에 유화 , 162.2x130.3cm, 2008

  • 앙드레 마송

    Le Bois de Clamart_ Oil on canvas, 65.3x53.4cm, 1923

  • 이용백

    Angel Soldier No.7_ C-print Diasec, 180x225cm, 2011

  • 이경미

    우주인과 두 신 1_ Oil on Canvas, 168x168cm, 2011

  • 김 준

    모엣 샹동(Moet Chandon)_ Digital Print, 210x120cm, 2010

  • 임안나

    Romantic Soldiers Scene #12_ Pigment print on fine art paper, 60x120cm, 2011

  • 톰 웨슬만

    Smoker_ Lithograph, 57,2x79cm, 1976

  • 트레이시 에민

    For you_ Pink and blue neon, 186x174 cm, 2008

  • 강익중

    Happy World_ Mixed media on wood, 122x122cm, 2008

  • 줄리안 오피

    Ika 1_ Vinyl on wooden stretcher, 192x119.6cm, 2011

  • 박서보

    묘법(Ecriture)_ 한지에 복합재료, 90.9x116.7cm, 1991

  • 이우환

    동풍 東風_ 캔버스에 유채 , 65.1x53cm, 1982

  • 김창열

    회귀(Recurrence)_ Indian ink and acrylic on rice paper mounted on canvas, 73x50cm, 2003

Other Works by 김창열(KIM TSCHANG-YEUL)View All

  • 김창열

    회귀 SH100022_ 캔버스에 아크릴릭, 오일, 181.8x227.3cm, 2010

  • 김창열

    PK95008_ 162x130.3cm, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 1995

  • 김창열

    Water Drops_ 1973, oil on canvas, 199 x 123 cm

  • 김창열

    SH93006_ 160.5x96.5cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 1993

  • 김창열

    Water Drops_ 1973, Oil on linen, 99.5ⅹ99cm

  • 김창열

    Water Drops_ 2012, oil on canvas, 162 x 112 cm

  • 김창열

    PK95008_ 1995 Acrylic and oil on canvas 162x130.3cm

  • 김창열

    work_ 1970, mixed media, 59.6x49.7cm, 광주시립미술관 하정웅컬렉션

  • 김창열

    Recurrence PA93001_ 1993, colored pencil, acrylic and oil on canvas, 200 x 135 cm

  • 김창열

    Water Drops SA1983-2000_ 1983-2000, Oil on hemp cloth, 181ⅹ227.2cm

  • 김창열

    Recurrence DRA 97009_ 1997, ink and oil on canvas, 162.5 x 130 cm

  • 김창열

    Waterdrops_ 1973, Oil on linen, 99.5×99cm

  • 김창열

    Water Drops Ens 203_ 1979, oil on canvas, 182 x 227.5 cm

  • 김창열

    Recurrence_ 1993, Ink and oil on canvas, 193ⅹ300cm

  • 김창열

    Water Drops ENS 79002_ 1979, oil on canvas, 182 x 227 cm

  • 김창열

    SH93006_ 1993 Acrylic and oil on canvas 160.5x96.5cm